A-Z Impacts of Plastic
Join the network to see upcoming events in the series, access the archived webinars, and meet others
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⭐️ New Event Series!
You have a right to know about the toxic chemicals used in your community.
September - December 2024
A-Z Tackling the Impacts of Plastic and Petrochemicals introduces a new series about Community Right to Know and the hazardous chemicals being used in our communities by oil, gas and associated industries. We will be joined by our partners from Earthjustice, Between the Waters, People Over Petro, Climate Reality, and many others. Special thanks to Halt the Harm for helping to facilitate and host the series!We will delve into the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA), an old but still useful federal law designed to try and protect communities from toxic chemicals used by industry. The second episode will explain some of the tools useful in getting the information you are entitled to. The third episode will explore community based solutions to protect ourselves now and in the future. The final episode will reflect on the current federal laws and ways to update and reform them based on our current situations.
More details coming soon! Be sure to sign up to get details and link to join.
2021 Impacts of Plastic Webinar Archive
Replays available in Halt the Harm Network!
April 19th – Labor Solidarity
May 17th – Students Taking on Petrochemicals
June 24th – Protecting Democracy
Stay tuned for more!
More details coming soon! Be sure to sign up to get details and link to join.
2020 Summit Replays Available
In 2020, the A-Z Digital Series explored the impacts of plastic in 4 areas of our lives, health, economy, environment, and climate. Guests also participated in networking sessions and breakout discussions. Now there are over 500 people who have participated in the digital series and we're coming together for a final, 4-day event in September.Access the replay videos and discussion from the previous digital series.
Story of Plastic Film Screening with Creator Stiv Wilson in conversation with Film makers Melissa Troutman and Mark Dixon
Healing HeARTS Event with Open Mic and Art Build
Panel Discussion & Networking with Diane Wilson, Ranjana Bhandari, Julie Dermansky, General Russel Honaré, William Barber III, Luke Early
Solutions and Actions Panel

Digital Series (Replays available)
Last summer People Over Petro and many of its partners joined in a summer digital series and summit called A-Z Tackling the Impacts of Plastics - From Fracked Gas to Plastic Pollution in the Ohio River Valley and Beyond.Hundreds of people joined in a social network with events, arts, and discussions around the impacts of plastic and what we can do about it.
May 19 and 21 - Impacts on Health, with Dr. Ned Ketyer and Julie Dermansky (replay available)
June 16 and 18 - Economics, with Patricia Demarco and Travis London (replay available)
July 21 and 23 - Environment, with Justin Nobel and Wilma Subra (replay available!)
August 18 and 20 - Climate with Leann Leiter and Jed Alegado (replay available)
More details coming soon! Be sure to sign up to get details and link to join.

Access the archive in the A-Z Discussion Network
The discussion is happening in Halt the Harm Network, a social platform for people taking on the oil & gas industry.Set up your profile, view the program, and RSVP for the events you want to attend.
Sponsored by
- BCMAC – Beaver County Marcellus Awareness Community
- Break Free From Plastic
- Breathe Project
- Buckeye Environmental Network
- Center for Coalfield Justice
- Center for Health, Environment, and Justice
- Climate Reality Project
- Concerned Ohio River Residents
- Extinction Rebellion KY
- Fractracker Alliance
- Freshwater Accountability
- Halt the Harm Network
- Indigenous Environmental Network,
- Kentuckians For the Commonwealth
- Ohio Poor People’s Campaign: (A National Call for Moral Revival)
- Ohio River Guardians
- PASUP (Pittsburghers Against Single Use Plastics)
- People Over Petro
* The forum has all the replay links and future events posted.*
Copyright 2023 ~ A-Z Impacts of Plastic
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You're registered! That means you'll get the summit program as soon as it's ready. You can join the discussion and access the replays in the A-Z Impacts of Plastic forum in Halt the Harm Network.
It's easy to participate in the network forum. You can sign-up via email and create your profile.
The Summit is taking place in the A-Z Impacts of Plastics membership site in the Campaign Network. Create an account and join the discussion. This your chance to connect with others working to protect our health, economy, environment, and climate from the impacts of plastic.
Copyright 2023 ~ A-Z Impacts of Plastic